Embracing the Fluff: A Guide to Managing Pembroke Welsh Corgi Shedding

When it comes to the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, their adorableness is as undeniable as their tendency to shed. Indeed, these herding dogs from Wales are “shedding machines,” equipped with a double coat that ensures a year-round flurry of fur, especially during seasonal changes.

Understanding Corgi Coats

Corgis boast a medium-length double coat with a coarser top layer and a soft, dense undercoat. This double layering contributes to their high shedding rate, comparable to other double-coated breeds but less so than the fluffier ones like Bernese Mountain Dogs.

Shedding Seasons

While Corgis shed throughout the year, their shedding intensifies during the winter and summer when they “blow their coat,” adapting their undercoat to the changing temperatures. This means more frequent grooming sessions are necessary during these periods to keep their shedding under control.

Grooming: Your First Line of Defense

Regular brushing is the most effective way to manage shedding. Brushing at least thrice weekly and daily during peak shedding seasons can significantly reduce the amount of fur on your floors and furniture. A bristle or pin-style brush is ideal for catching loose hairs before they scatter across your home.

Bathing and Products

Overbathing can exacerbate shedding, so it’s recommended to bathe your Corgi only once a month unless they get particularly dirty. Natural or anti-shed dog shampoos can help, but be cautious not to irritate their skin, which can lead to more shedding.

Nutrition: Fuel for a Healthy Coat

A diet rich in Omega fatty acids is crucial for maintaining a healthy coat and minimizing shedding. High-quality dog food that’s nutrient-dense can make a noticeable difference in your Corgi’s coat health and the manageability of their shedding.

Supplements and Deshedding Tools

Chewable supplements formulated for skin and coat health can be beneficial, especially if incorporated as part of training rewards. Deshedding tools like the Furminator or Oster ShedMonster are invaluable for Corgi owners, particularly during periods of heavier shedding.

Shedding Triggers

Be aware of factors that can trigger excess shedding, such as stress, allergies, health conditions, and even the wrong type of shampoo. Keeping an eye on these can help you manage shedding more effectively.

The Corgi Coat and Your Home

Choosing a Corgi with a coat color that matches your home’s interiors can make shed hair less noticeable. Additionally, investing in a good vacuum cleaner designed for pet hair can keep your home looking spick and span.


The truth is, shedding is a part of life with a Corgi. Yet, it’s not insurmountable. You can keep those fluffy tumbleweeds in check with regular grooming, the right diet, and the proper tools. Remember, shedding is just one aspect of a dog’s care; their loving companionship far outweighs the extra vacuuming.

Frequently Asked Questions about Pembroke Welsh Corgi Shedding

Q: How much do Pembroke Welsh Corgis shed?
A: Pembroke Welsh Corgis are known for being heavy shedders due to their double coats. They shed year-round with increased shedding typically occurring in the summer and winter months.

Q: Can you prevent a Corgi from shedding?
A: No, you cannot prevent a Corgi from shedding. However, regular grooming and proper nutrition can help manage the amount of shedding.

Q: How often should I groom my Corgi to control shedding?
A: Brushing your Corgi at least thrice a week is recommended, with daily brushing being ideal during peak shedding seasons.

Q: What kind of brush works best for a Corgi’s coat?
A: A bristle brush or a pin-style brush is often recommended for effectively grooming a Corgi’s double coat and removing loose fur.

Q: Does bathing help with a Corgi’s shedding?
A: Bathing can help manage shedding, but it should be done sparingly — usually once a month — to avoid drying out their skin, which can increase shedding. Always use a gentle, natural dog shampoo or one specifically designed to help with shedding.

Q: Are there any supplements that can help reduce shedding in Corgis?
A: Yes, supplements rich in Omega fatty acids can support skin and coat health, which might help reduce shedding. These can be given as chewables or added to their food.

Q: Do certain health issues cause more shedding?
A: Yes, health issues such as skin allergies, poor nutrition, stress, and other skin conditions can lead to excessive shedding. If you notice an increase in shedding, it’s wise to consult with a veterinarian.

Q: Is shedding worse at certain times of the year?
A: Corgis tend to shed more during the summer when they lose their winter coat and during the winter when they prepare their coat for the colder weather.

Q: Can diet affect a Corgi’s shedding?
A: Absolutely. A balanced diet with the right nutrients, especially those high in Omega fatty acids, can improve coat health and potentially reduce shedding.

Q: What are the best de-shedding tools for Corgis?
A: Deshedding tools like the Furminator or the Oster ShedMonster can be very effective during your Corgi’s heavier shedding periods. These tools are designed to remove loose hair from the undercoat without damaging the topcoat.