Most of the animals on the face of planet earth shed their coat, fur, and hair, and your dog does the same. Therefore, we can regard this dog shedding a natural and normal process.
Why does a dog shed?
There are many reasons for your dog’s shedding. For example, when winter is at the door, your dog develops an extra coating of hair as an insulator to keep itself safe from the harsh of winter. But in summer, your dog does not need it, so this extra hair must be shed. Other reasons include allergic reactions causing excessive dog shedding etc.
Why do you need to stop dog shedding?
As a dog owner, it is your responsibility to take care of your furry friend. No doubt, dog shedding is a normal process, and all dogs do it. But if your dog is shedding hair in your kitchen or on the floor, it can disturb you and can get you in anger. Also, if your dog sheds a lot, then instead of spending quality time with your dog, you will spend time cleaning up this hair waist. Also, the hair falling in response to an allergy can affect your health.
So you need to manage this dog shedding for yourself. The thing you need to know is that there is no way to stop this shedding process completely. Every dog does this. Some dogs like Siberian huskies, Akita, beagle, etc., shed a lot, and some others like the poodle, Maltese, basenji, etc., shed very little. It is a part of their natural cycle, so do not worry if your dog does it.
But you can minimize the excessive shedding by your dog through different simple ways. You can manage this shading by following simple tips. In this post, I will tell you all about how you can minimize this natural process.
Brushing your dog
Brushing your dog daily is an important practice by which your dog may get free from loose hair. This regular brushing also helps make the dog’s hair softer and silkier by activating the oils through the living hair. This healthy hair will connect with the skin for a much longer time and will not make your floor and furniture dirty. There are many forms of brushes you can use for your dog, depending upon the fare of your dog.
- Pin brush
If your dog possesses medium or lengthy fur, then a pin brush is the best option out there.
- Bristle brush
This brush type has no limitation of hair, and you can use it if your dog possesses any coat. But for different coats, different bristles types are there.
For example, if your dog has a longer coat, it is advisable to use a brush with widely spaced and longer bristles. On the other hand, if your dog has coarser hair, then use stiffer bristles.
- Silkier brush
The silkier brush uses wire bristles. These wire bristles help remove mats and tangles.
Providing your dog with an optimal diet
We all know a healthy diet leads to good overall health. Excessive dog shedding can be due to poor nutrition or the unhealthy diet you’re giving to your dog. Fats in your dog’s diet help maintain good coat health and also increases its shining ability. There are people present in the market who can help him reducing excessive shedding.
Omega-3 shedding supplement
OMega-3 is an important supplement that can minimize excess shedding greatly when added to your dog food. Omega-3 refers to the essential fatty acid. Omega-3 is so important because it strengthens and improves the dog’s skin and shiny coat, which accounts for the less shedding habits of your dog.
Bath your dog with a good dog shampoo
Bathing your dog is another important practice in reducing shedding. Because when you bathe your dog, then old, damaged, and loose hair fall off with water before they get a chance to fall on your floor. But it is necessary to consider the shampoo with which you are bathing your dog. Use shampoo, which is designed only for dogs instead of a human shampoo.
It can cause dryness in the coat and can cause shedding. You can also make a shampoo at home, for example, oatmeal shampoo, which gives moisture. Secondly, just do not over-bath your dog. It can remove the necessary oils from your dog’s skin and can lead to dryness and ultimately to hair shedding.
Avoid dehydration
This is another important step in preventing shedding. If your dog does not drink enough water, it will destroy the overall health of your dog. In addition, it will cause your dog’s skin to dry, and due to this, the attachment between hair and skin will decrease, leading to unnecessary shedding.
Take control of fleas
Fleas cause skin irritation in the dogs, and in response to this, your dog will scratch out his skin which can cause excessive shedding; if your dog has fleas consult with your vet for proper treatment. Please causes flea allergic dermatitis fad in your dog and is very common united states. To soothe your dog and have appropriate treatment for him.